Saturday, January 08, 2011

Crazy - Day 6 and Day 7

Crazy January Challenge Day 6 - Full Circle Designs "Sow Good Seeds" stitched on 28 count Graziano Celery/White Gingham with the DMC called for.  I had a not-so-good previous experience stitching on gingham fabric but no problems to report this time.  In fact it was rather fun, and I cheated by stitching on it again yesterday.  In addition to the three rows of the brown house color there is a picket fence that is impossible to see.  There will eventually be grass around the fence, so no reason to panic.

Crazy January Challenge Day 7 - The Needle's Notion "Sweet Pea Sampler" stitched on 32 count Limited Dark Pearled Barley from Lakeside Linen with DMC called for.  It also calls for #4 braid in green but I haven't purchased it yet.  The picture is very sad, just a few cream colored stitches.  It will get better! 

I wish I had more time to visit blogs right now.  I'm itching to see what everyone else is starting or finishing, depending on the challenge you signed up for.  The Chez Toadlily Basement Beautification Project started this week so I am short on time.  Imagine that!

Thanks for visiting my blog and also for your kind comments!  I was stunned and thrilled to see the comment from Ellen about Bunnies in the Garden.  Amazing!


barbara said...

Isn't this challenge fun? I'm loving seeing what everyone's coming up with!

Joy said...

It is so much fun to see all your starts! You are SO ambitious, unlike me who stitches one project at a time. haha I went and looked at the Full Circle Design....can you say SOOOO in trouble! I love all 4 of these designs, guess I'll be having the xs shop order them for me, along with the fabrics.

PS. LOVE that you are blogging again!!


Anonymous said...

I'm just loving this challenge more than I can say - and loving seeing what everyone else is coming up with - you've just added another couple of beauties to the progress pile, can't wait to see what's next :)