Crazy January Challenge Day 8 - Sheepish Designs "Precariously Perched" stitched on 32 count Meltaway Gray linen with Sampler Threads as charted.
A crazy thing has happened. I decided to start Sheepish Designs "Birdy Birdy." I scrambled through my remaining pile of prepared projects and somehow ended up with "Precariously Perched" instead. "Precariously Perched" is not on the Crazy list. It has not been on my radar screen since the days of Move It Out Monday. I'm not sure how it escaped from Diane. I am also uncertain how it went through the ironing process without detection. Even worse, I stitched a star and took a picture before I finally made the connection that I was not stitching on" Birdy Birdy." I have lost my mind.
I have no idea how I will proceed from here. I could stretch the challenge to 16 days. Or I might start two projects on one day. Maybe I'll just take a nap. My brain cells must need a rest.
I admit that I laughed out loud when I read this post. I can see how you'd get the titles of "Precariously Perched" and "Birdy Birdy" mixed up. But to kit, iron, AND stitch before you realized it, well, that's priceless! I've heard of projects screaming for attention, but I've never actually heard of any sneaking up on someone almost undetected. Too funny!!
P.S. HEY! I'm no longer anonymous!! (Good thing I didn't change my blog name.)
LOL! I do like that linen colour and the name - whose make is it?
Wonderful choice, even if it was by accident! ;)
I am so glad we're both doing this Crazy challenge. I started going through stitchers listed on Minna's blog and could it be? There you were back to blogging. I guess you fell out of my reader. I'm glad to be back "in touch."
OR.. you could just leave it as a little star and count it as a finish!
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