I noticed the date on my last blog post, and it says MAY. Yikes. My last blog post was actually written as a draft and sat for a week before it was reworked and finally posted. So while it has been more than a week since I promised an end of the week picture of MHT, it wasn't in May. If this makes no sense to you whatsoever, never fear. It is just me making excuses (and darn good ones!) for why this post isn't as late as it appears to be. And anyway, does anyone really care *that* much? I thought not! Moving right along.
Before I go any further, let me say that I've jacked up the spacing in this post in an effort to keep Blogger from smushing it all together in one big impossible to read paragraph. Sorry about all of the dead air in here.
Not too much stitching has been going on lately here in Toadlilyville. I started a nametag project that Rita designed over on the Rockome group. It's super cute, but I'm stitching it over one and it is slow going. Sorry, no picture. There really isn't much to see yet.
On Tuesday I took both cars to get the oil changed and the thought of all that waiting room time inspired me to start Ladybird, a Zippie from Bent Creek. I'm Zipping right along on it. I haven't stitched on a Zipper in a long, long time and it really was fun. The best thing about this Zippie is that there is a border and the background of the design is filled with Ecru. I think that is awesome because I can finish the flowers and the border, then leave the chart at home and just fill in the background. How easy is that? I didn't think a picture would turn out, but here it is anyway.
One evening this week I was inspired by Lady Violet. I added about 8 rows to the moon. Alas, it looks the same. You can hardly tell I touched it. (Hence, no picture.) However I'm not discouraged. It really is a perfect project for evenings when I need a no-brainer to work on. So long as I count things correctly on the left side of the moon, all will be well.
On Thursday Linda hopped in my car and we zoomed off to Rockome to drop off my show entries. Wahoo, life is good. It was a fun trip, and the time passed so quickly with Linda there to chat with. We stopped at a new Culver's on the way home and had cashew chicken salads for lunch. Yummmmm! We're heading back to Rockome on the 21st, so if you are planning to be there that day be sure to say hello.
Last weekend I didn't touch My Home Town so I hope to work on it this weekend and at the very least finish the willow tree. My apologies to the RagTag SAL bunch for falling down on the job. Speaking of My Home Town, I need to let Barbara know that this is a Carriage House Samplings design, not a NRR. Sorry I wasn't clear about that! I can only dream of being able to put things together the way Kathy Barrack-Dieter does. It's such a great design!
Thanks everyone for your nice comments about Lady Violet and My Home Town. I always enjoy reading what you have to say. Patricia I received your email about Facebook, and I'm sorry to say that I won't be opening an account there. I'm maxed out at the moment on places to go online and things to do and see. Sorry about that!
Speaking of places to go online, my Bloglines list says I have 586 updates to read. That's as low as I've been able to get it this week. It's been over 800 several times. I've tried not commenting, but that is turning out to be a drag. Sometimes I MUST reply. The project is too cute or the blogger is too funny or something catches my eye and a comment must be made. It's not my fault! I blame YOU, all of you bloggers out there with incredible projects and finishing that defies explanation and stash that is crisp and fresh, straight from your favorite shop. Your pictures are works of art, your turn of phrase makes me think, and your kids are so cute they should have their own TV show. You know who you are. I love reading your blogs. I hope you all never shut up.
Wow, that's a lot of blog posts to read! Good luck!
Love your progress - that's a lovely willow!
That is one nice looking Home Town there ;) Wish mine was looking as good...but sorry...I've not even started :(
I wish you well in Rockome, I couldn't make a trip work out for me...but I bet you'll have the time of your life and fill us in on all the details...I'm jealous :)
BEEutiful :)
I love willow trees! Your progress is lovely.
I have the opposite problem with blogger--it's adding spaces between my paragraphs! Crazy.
How appropriate that your trees are looking spiffy now that summer is here! I, too, tried to establish an on-the-road stitching project . . . but I liked it too much, and now it's almost finished because I've worked on it at home in my stitching chair. Guess I'll have to find another one!
Great progress on MHT...I am switching silks and work is insane so not much progress on it for me, yet. Hope to get a dent in it tomorrow.
Good luck at Rockome and your trip there sounded like it was a lot of fun!!!
what did you enter? I bet it'll win. I will be at work on Thursday 21st, so unless I stop by the shop and catch you, I'll probably not get to see you this trip. Do you know when or if MM is closing? I'd like to get there, but the next few weekends are booked.
The willow tree is pretty!
Great progress on MHT, I love the colors in that one. I don't know about 586 posts to read-I start getting worried when google reader says 100+.
Nice progress on Willow Tree.
Good luck on your show entry!
My Home Town is looking good. Loved the newly 'grown' willow tree.
always enjoy your posts! love your willow tree :)
Hi Chelle, thanks for being such a regular visitor to my blog - I can see you are busy! I just had a close-up look at your work and I'm bowled over by the stitching on Lady Violet! Absolutely fantastic. No wonder you win prizes at shows!
Sounds like you are going to have a lot to show all at once with all the things you are working on together.
I am now using google reader as Newsfire also told me exactly how many unread posts I had - I couldn't BEAR it!!!! Now I just know that I have 100+ posts and I feel that I can live with that :)
My Home Town is looking gorgeous! I am looking forward to seeing more of Lady Violet. Blogger likes to smush my paragraphs together too - what a pain!
Good progress on willow tree. Have a nice week.
Well, I hope you never shut up, either, your posts are always a big, big treat!
You know, I'm stitching the My Home Town river along the bottom of my new Neighbourhood, and I'm not stitching any grids or anything. I'm leaving the entire planning of my Neighbourhood to the nine different builders thereof (in the hope that they can mimick KBD's fabulous work). Needless to say, I LOVE your Hometown!
it's very beautifull !!!
My Home Town is looking fantastic! You're making great progress.
Your WIP looks good. :) I just started using Google Reader and I like it much better than blogrolling. At least I know how many I have left to read. Wow, I thought I had a lot at 100+. Don't feel so bad now. LOL
Nice progress on My Home Town, and nice start on Ladybird, you've been busy. Good luck on getting caught up on everyone's blog, it is unbelievable sometimes on how many posts there are, and they all have such lovely projects going that you really do feel the need to drop into them all and see what they are doing.
Have fun with Rockome, which I could go.
Good Luck on your Rockome entry[entries?]. How many did you put in & what is entered? I doubt I'll make it this year. [sigh]
Nice progress on My Home Town. It is an interesting looking willow tree!
That is a lot of messages. Enjoy catching up
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