While shopping with Ginger a few weeks ago, we stumbled upon a small pile of DMC Medici wool on clearance for just $.25/skein. I don't use it very often and was surprised to learn that DMC discontinued it last year. Anyway, I decided to treat myself to a dozen skeins.It's hard to see the colors in the photo (it's gray and rainy here today) but you get the idea. Such yummy stuff. I do love fibers!
At our Violet Threads meeting last month Stephanie taught us how to make yo-yo's. What fun! I can see this becoming an addiction. I love fabric and yo-yo's are so easy to make.
Obviously they aren't perfect, but I'm pleased with them for a first attempt. Watch out family, you're bound to get something yo-yo'd for your next "occasion!"
In stitching news, I'm making good progress on the nametag Rita designed for Rockome. It's so cute!
I have different finishing plans for it. I'll keep you posted on that.
On Friday I went to Diane's house to stitch for a few hours. She's such a wonderful hostess! I worked on Lady Violet (Lilybet Designs) and made some progress on the moon. This weekend I did a little more. I've finally reached the half-way point with this big ol' moon. I'm going to wait and post a progress picture when I'm closer to finishing the moon. Did I mention it's a big ol' moon? Imagine row after row of Oatmeal GAST. See, you didn't really need a picture after all.
Nothing much to report on My Home Town. I worked a little more on the willow tree but it's not finished yet. Because it's on 40 ct fabric I can only work on it at home and lately I've been focusing on getting the Rockome project finished. Rockome is an at-home-only project as well. What can I say, I'm old and blind. I need major magnification and perfect lighting for these things.
Speaking of Rockome, the show is happening NOW! As I type! As you read! Friday was the opening day. Linda and I plan to go on Thursday and spend the day. The winners list has been posted and...I had to peek. I am amazed and thrilled to have received a 3rd place ribbon for my Moonlight Stroll pillow. Woot! I can't wait for Thursday. I'll be taking lots of pictures! Congrats to Susie for her winning entry. She scored a 2nd place ribbon. Way to go Susie!
Thanks everyone for your nice comments about My Home Town. I appreciate all of you! I spent some time this weekend reading (and commenting!) on blogs. I'm down to less than 200 entries to read. What a relief! To those of you having spacing problems with Blogger, I switched my photo layout option to "center" and it seems to have made a difference. I usually use "none" or "left." So far it looks ok in the Preview. We'll see what happens when I publish!
Mom was here last week (Hi, Mom!) and we had a fantastic time decorating my house (mostly the kitchen) and pretending we are famous HGTV designers. Mom has a true talent for interior design. Mostly we played "Freestyle", moving things from room to room. We also made a trip to our favorite antique mall and loaded up the Toadlilymobile with treasures. Too much fun! I have pictures to share, but I'll save them for another time.
Anyone going to Rockome on Thursday the 21st or Sunday the 24th? Send me an email! I'd love to meet you. Unless you're an axe murderer or something. For all non-murderers (axe or otherwise) my email address is in my profile.
Jenna is such a sweetie:) Your yo-yo's look great!
Jenna is a darling of all darlings :)
Have a great time in Rockome and Congrats on your win!
Your Yo-Yo looks great and I think the pineapple chart will be great for a fob..:) Enjoy your time in Rockome.
Congratulations on winning a 3rd place for your entry at Rockome. (what is Rockome? is it like a fair?)
Yo-yo's are so much fun - I have seen a couple of bag patterns now that have been decorated with yo-yo's (suffolk puffs)
Generous of Jenna, its such a cute design. Enjoy your time at Rockome.
I have never made a yo yo before...but the new Clover Yo yo gadget, makes it look really easy!
I am almost tempted to give it a go..they also do a circle cutter...this sounds like an ad for Clover! lol
Sorry I found your blog a little too late. I would have loved to go the cs show, but didnt know they even had anything like that around this part. Your yo-yo's look great.
OMG i am so sorry. I dont know what I was thinking... Its this week hoooray!! I have to find the website and look into more. I have never been to a show. Now.. I am all excited, lol.
CONGRATULATIONS!!! A ribbon at Rockome : ) Ah, too kewl.
Enjoy and tell all when you get home.
Jenna is a sweetie - how nice of her. Have fun at Rockome!
Chelle, congratulations on your 3rd place win! Would love to see a photo of your piece.
My goodness, so not a big deal. I was done with it. :) Glad you will enjoy it, though. Congratulations on getting a 3rd place prize at Rockome! Hope you'll have a great time tomorrow!
forgot to mention, did you see the new stuff Jenna has pictured on her on-line store?? Awesome projects.
Tell all about your trek to Rockome. and, which entries were your favorites?
Congratulations! Hope you have had a great time yesterday.
Ooooh-- I can't wait to see pics of your redecoration! Congrats on the Rockome win, too :)
Congrats on your win -- can't wait to see a pic of it.
You certainly have been busy. Your name tag is looking great, and the pineapple pattern would make an adorable fob of pinkeep. How sweet of Jenna to send it on to you. The Yo-Yo's looked cute. However, you mention making yo-yo projects, what do you do with a yo-yo?
Chelle, you're just stitching away like a mad woman. And WOW on placing a 3rd at Rockome!!! Fantastic! I placed a 2nd in 1989 and quit while I was ahead, lol! They really scrutinize the stitching, so I know how superb your stitching really is. You're doing some absolutely wonderful designs. I'm back up and running now, so I'll be checking back often. Congrats on a great win!!!
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