Just after 11AM we rode the bus over to the Expo Center. We grabbed a bite to eat then went into the show. I headed straight for the Best of Show area. Sharon Schamber was standing in front of her BOS quilt, chatting with the masses. I couldn't even get a picture of the entire quilt. There were just too many bodies in the way. Actually that was the theme for the rest of the day - such a crush of humanity. It was hard to catch your breath sometimes. Twice I was run over by a motorized scooter. Next year I'm wearing steel-toed shoes. And maybe shin guards.
Linda jumped back on the bus just after noon so she could ride over to see the Eleanor Burns show. She really enjoyed it! Barb and I checked out quilts and vendors in the Expo Center then headed over to the Convention Center. We only made it through the first floor of the Convention Center before it was time to head back to the Expo Center and meet up with Linda. So much to see!
We popped outside just as the bus was pulling up. Linda really enjoyed the Eleanor Burns show and got to do a bit of shopping as well. We headed back to the first floor of the Convention Center, then up to the second floor. This year I knew three quilters with entries in the show. We were able to find Jenice's quilt and Robin's quilt. Both are gorgeous! At that point Linda and I lost track of Barb, in spite of her hard-to-miss shoes.
After making a final search for Barb on the second floor, Linda and I raced over to the Pool Atrium area. We shopped then headed downstairs to see the rest of the vendors. Lots of lovely stuff, that's for sure!
With our afternoon drifting away into evening, we went back over to the Expo Center. We made sure we found Bobbie's quilt (incredible!), then we did a bit more shopping before hopping back on the bus.
The bus pulled away at 6PM and we went to Kentucky Oaks Mall for dinner. Then it was back on the bus where we kicked back and watched "The Devil Wears Prada" during the ride home. I was home by 11:30PM. YAWN!
You might have noticed that this post is not filled with quilt photos. Alas, photos are allowed but they cannot be published on the internet. (Per the AQS web site.) Barb's shoes will have to suffice I'm afraid. Rest assured, I took way too many pictures. Stop by the house and I'll be happy to show them to you!
Shopping was fun and this year I didn't over-spend. In fact, I didn't buy any fabric at all. (Did I hear you gasp?) I fell in love with some of the embroidery at Lace Tales and bought this.
Acorns and oak leaves! Be still my heart.
Color Me Patterns (sorry, I can't find a web site for them) had nice packages of wool felt and I couldn't resist. I indulged in a couple of patterns as well.
Sorry for the glare in both pictures. It's been rainy and gray here for days and days.
Thanks heaps for all of your comments! I haven't decided yet what to do about the fish on My Home Town, but if I hold true to form I'm sure I'll frog it. I've been invited to join Red, Vonna and Joanie's MHT SAL. Hurrah! I need all of the motivation I can get.
In stitching news, I've been working on Lady Violet by Lilybet Designs. I'm stitching the house and it has been very cathartic with not much counting needed. I love the use of specialty stitches in this design. I can't wait to start stitching the tree!
I've been sifting through my stash recently and I think I will be selling some of it soon. I have too many stash dollars tied up in projects that no longer make my socks roll up and down. For instance I have the original Ackworth book and engagement calendar plus a few Jan Houtman designs that I know I'll never touch. I've noticed that some stitchers have a "for sale" blog and I'm considering something like that. I'll keep you posted.
Glad you had a great time!
Your whole post here makes me smile and very informative...but I laughed for a good minute over the: "I have too many projects that no longer make my socks roll up and down" Heck I'm still smiling and giggling...but the best part is...I have like a movie picture of a mind and whenever I read that....I could picture it in my mind...the socks going up and down...LOL! Too funny! Thanks for making me giggle!
Glad you had a great time, I love quilts!
Like Vonna, I loved reading the sentence about your socks, like Vonna, I giggled for quite awhile!
Sounds like you had a fantastic time! I'm glad that you were able to go. I was drooling over the pics of the quilts on the website. Just amazing! I can't imagine seeing those in person. :)
Sounds like you had a good time. I just purchased Lady Violet and I am currenttly working on beach house by Lilybet Designs too.
Sounds like you had a good time :) Love the wool felt projects - I've had a hankering for making felty things recently.
I *love* the phrase "I have too many projects that no longer make my socks roll up and down" - it's fantastic, and it looks like your other commenters like it too! Looks like you had a great time at the quily show.
Ah, what a fantastic road trip destination! So glad you enjoyed your day out!! Took a quick peek at Lady Violet . . . Nice!
Sounds like you had a great time.
Great stash on felts and vibrant colors too :D
I thought the shoe picture made up for a few quilt pictures. I just wish I could come over so you could show me the rest!
Great stashing at Paducah. I sure wish you were allowed to post pics! As to the sale... why not bring some to rainbow? LOL
What a fun time you had! I love quilt shows. Lady Violet is a gorgeous chart - can't wait to see your progress.
Love, love, love your Lady Violet!! I hadn't seen it...and I think it might have to creep into my stash one of these days! Your trip sounds like so much fun! I have a lemon-lime green pair of those shoes, so I can understand how those of you who don't understand the magic can scoff!! LOL You should try them!! Hugs, Deb
Hey! I've been to Paducah! LOL My family used to pass through there when we would drive from Tennessee up to southern Illinois to visit my mom's family.
Love those wool felts! The colors are awesome. I just recently starting buying some hand-dyed felts. I can easily see this becoming as much of an addiction as collecting charts & fibers. LOL
BTW, I tagged you in my blog. :-)
Sounds like you had a great time. How could you lose someone who was wearing such bright blue shoes???
WOW! It sounds like you had a great time! I laughed out loud at "I have too many projects that no longer make my socks roll up and down". Too funny!!
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