This is the sewing bird ornament that Linda won from Meri.
In case you missed my previous Wannabe posts (here and here), Meri has been creating sewing bird designs and she brought a shoe box full to Camp. She held a drawing for our Camp and also one for the St. Louis Stitchers attending Camp Wannasew. It is difficult to tell in this atrocious photo (please pardon the glare!), but the sewing bird is fuzzy. So sweet!
Meri found some great bird fabric for the back, too.
Meri's finishing is just as fantastic as her designing and stitching. I want to be Meri when I grow up.
Mary won the slippers donated by the Silver Needle. The picture does not do them justice. They are beautifully beaded and the soles are soft and sweet on the feet.
Aren't they cute? Thanks again to Lindy and everyone at the Silver Needle for thinking of us Wannbe campers! Anne is going to have a fit when she sees these.
Thanks to everyone for your comments! To those of you still giggling at the reference to my socks, I wish I could remember where I picked that line up. It's not an original, because frankly I'm not nearly that funny. I wish. I'm glad it gave you a giggle! Giggle = Good.
In stitching news, I worked on Lady Violet again tonight. I have the house finished. I'll have to take a picture and share it soon. Now it's time to move on to the My Home Town SAL. I think it's time to frog the fish. *gulp*
Thank you for sharing the pictures of the sewing bird(love it)and the slippers(how cute). And, I'm sorry to hear that "frogging the fish" is inevitable.
Oh man, I WANT THOSE SLIPPERS!!! ;P Hey, they're even BLUE!!! Oh man, I'm drooling big time over those ... hmmm, I wonder if they sell them ... ;P So I have to say that "yep" you picked my reaction to a "T" LOL :D Hmmm, might have to bookmark this post for later drooling haha.
What cute slippers :) I just love hearing about your camp :) Ya'll had the best time :)
Enjoy your weekend :)
The slippers are so cute!
Have a great weekend!
Love the slippers. The ornament is pretty cool, too!
Good luck with the fish frog!
Those slippers are downright cheerful! And I love the little fuzzy bird. What kind of thread was it stitched with?
Wow - those are great prizes. And the slippers rock!
Great prizes!! The sewing bird is especially sweet. Great to share in the revisit to "Camp B"
LOL. Anne truly would flip over those slippers. ;)
Your trip to Paducah sounds great! Years ago I was lucky enough to have a color theory class with Eleanor Burns' sister. Got a lot of great hints.
Love the slippers!
You've been tagged - read my blog.
Sorry :) !
Deb in CT
Thanks for sharing all the picture and the slipper ... hemmm so cute.
I've tagged you on my blog.
Wow ! all those gifts are just fantastic and lovely. Meri's sewing bird are so adorable.
Those slippers are adorable!
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