Here's a link to my first post. I'm fascinated and horrified that I've been working on My Home Town (or more correctly, NOT working on it) for 2 years. Apparently it is my first project on 40 ct fabric. How could I forget that little tidbit of information? See, this blog really is good for something.
I worked on MHT over the weekend. Here is a photo of my progress. I stitched the water and started one of the over-one fishies.
Why, when I'm trying to dig myself out of a stitching slump, oh why did I think I would be successful stitching a blob of over-one? A blob that is smack in the middle of over-two? Now I have to decide if I should frog the fish and restitch it using tent stitch instead of a cross stitch. Frog the fish. While I'm at it why don't I just goose the chicken, too?
Thanks everyone for your nice comments! I do appreciate them. Sue you cracked me up with your "Chocolate Withdrawl at the Beach!"
In a few short hours my alarm will start screeching and I'll be off like a shot to the AQS in Paducah. Thanks again to the Camp Wannabe ladies for making this possible, and to Jenice for putting the trip together in the first place. You all rock!
MHT looks wonderful! :)
Goose the chicken, indeed! LOL
I like the variation of over one and over two stitching in the same piece, though switching back and forth can cause brain cramps. ;)
And happy belated blogiversary!
Oh goodness, yes. Frogging fish. I've been there. No actually, I haven't. Now that I come to think of it, I frogged a frog at one point. I'm with you: frog the fish and give it a tent.
My Home Town looks great!
Happy blogiversary :)
I'd go for goosing the chicken :)
And I just have to say....phewy on you...the Paducah quilt show too?! I've not been for a couple of years...Oh, how I love it :)Have a great time!
Congrats on your blogiversary. Definitely goose the chicken while you're at it! MHT looks great.
A very merry blogiversary to you! MHT looks fab! I really LOVE this piece, says she who is also working on a CHS design. Enjoy the AQS show!
Happy belated blogiversary!!!!!
Frog the fish?? Goose the chicken?? LOL
Happy Belated Blogiversary! And MHT is looking great!!
Oh boy, can't wait to hear a quilt show report!! PLease don't make me wait until you are done with your fish frogging, eh?
The MHT looks wonderful. Show us more.
Happy belated bloggy anniversary/birthday!
MHT is looking great! Even slow progress is still progress :)
Have fun at the quilt show. Happy belated blogivesary. I love reading it.
I really like MHT-so very pretty. Have fun on your trip and happy belated blogiversary!
Chelle if you would like to join our rag-tag SAL on My Home Town feel free. Rag tag because everyone is waiting for me and Joanie has started hers but put it back down wait for perhaps a motivator for you to join others on this big endeavor.
Let me know if you're so inclined.
wow....that is little little stitching! Good wonder it is taking you forever to stitch!
Happy Blogiversary!
I enjoy looking at your stitching, and I still scroll down and that Lizzie Kate design, still reads as Make Me Try, instead of Make Merry!! LOL
A belated Happy Anniversary. Thanks for linking back to your first blog - it was great to read what you were working on two years ago.
My Home Town is looking great.
Aha, I checked your blog a couple of times all of a sudden there is lots on here :-) Good for you to keep blogging for over 2 years that is some achievement in my book. Your MHT is looking great even if you want to frog the fish, personally I think the fish looks nice as he/she is. I have to think you are slow at a bigger project, you have a twin over here in the UK ;-)
MHT is beautiful.
Happy blog aniversary.
I think one over one project is so special. I wish I have the eyesight to do more. Your piece looks wonderful.
MHT looks great
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