I titled this entry "Cutting the Cord" for two reasons. The first is...it is time to cut the cord with Move It Out Monday. Yes, as much as I hate to admit it, the cord must be cut. My last MIOM project was started on September 3, and that was a late start for Monday, August 29th. That means as of today I am 6 Mondays behind. The funny thing is, for the most part,I haven't even thought about MIOM. My life is chock full of fun stitching things so starting a new project every Monday just fell by the wayside. The old me would have considered this a failure, but the new me says "BAH"! I can always restart MIOM later if the stitching spirit moves. I haven't lost anything. I still have a huge pile of projects kitted up and ready to go. What a treasure trove, just waiting for me!
My second reason for "Cutting the Cord" is this - as I said above I am working on my finishing techniques. Last week I spent some time making cording and stitching cording to projects. I'd like to say for the record that making cording is pretty fun. Stitching cording to projects is less fun. I ripped off every bit I stitched on. I have a question for you finishing experts out there. How do you handle the ends of the cording to keep them from unraveling and being a mess? Is there an article on line somewhere about this? Do you have a good technique that works for you? I'd love it if you would share! Please post in the comment section, or if you would prefer to send an email, my address is in my profile. I would appreciate it very much!
I used two old projects, mat board, quilt batting and some fabric from my sewing stash to make a few ornaments.

The projects are kits from Homespun Elegance called Linen Bits (I think!). They were in tuck pillows and I decided they were expendable if the finishing experiment went awry. I glued the stitching to batting-covered mat board, glued the fabric to mat board, then glued the two pieces together. In the future I will try lacing them and use less glue. I am not opposed to glue, but less glue would have to be better. Later I used a curved needle and sewed the sides of the pineapple closer together. Then I tried sewing on the cording. It was very slow going and for the life of me I couldn't make the end of the cording looks right. In the end I just cut it all off. The cording with the heart is home-made from floss and not the right diameter for the piece. The cording with the pineapple is from the store and frankly it isn't the right diameter either. Hopefully with your tips and suggestions I can get cording attached to these. Thanks in advance for your help and advice!
I love your ornaments!!!!
Yes, I am going crazy. I thought that I would be ok with everything I signed up for but with my Dad's death, things have been a little bit hectic and now I am a tad behind. Oh well, ya live and learn.
Good luck with attaching the cording. If you figure out how to do it, please share, since I can't do it either! :) The best job I've ever done was with glue. I can't seem to get the hang of sewing it on. And there's some trick to hiding the ends by shoving them in between the two layers.
I'll check back to find out what cord secrets you have discovered. It is something that's eluded me, too!
Your ornaments are beautiful, I really like them.
I have trouble with cording too - I've only made my own a couple of times. I've always sewn it on, but haven't been particularly satisfied with my results.
Hi Chelle, written directions are both hard for me to 'get', and hard for me to write.....if I was there with you I could show you!! But I think the best bit of advice I have about sewing on cording, is to remember to keep giving the cording a little twist in the same direction it's already twisted, each time you make a stitch. That keeps it looking nice. As for the ends, I just knot them. I've probably been zero help, sorry!!
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