I want to respond to some of your comments, so here goes.
Barbara - about using a dot of glue on the cut end of cording, have you tried it yet? Did it work for you? I tried it with a GIANT size piece of commercial cording and the result was messy to start with but ultimately ok. I can't help but think that there must be a better way... You also asked how I plan to display the autumn exchange piece I received from Karen V. I have a shelf with pegs that I'm planning to hang on the wall next to my sewing table. I will hang the exchange piece from one of the pegs. I can't wait to get it up and on display!
Joanie - the Just A Thought cording instructions are very helpful! Love the pictures. Very helpful link!
Lelia - thanks for the congrats re: the honorable mention! I think you are right that the best "trick" for cording is patience and practice. Well said my friend! I'm in need of more patience and more practice.
TraceyIL & Barb - I'm so glad I got to meet you two! Have you finished your class piece? Alas, mine isn't started yet! Too many exchange irons in the fire.
Karen in IN - did we have some fun in those classes or what? I really hope to see you next year.
Missy - I believe the tin pin Lori used for the Miss Mary Mack necklace was the usual kind but the pin had come off of the back. I don't know if Lori "encouraged" it to come off or not!

To mount the needlework in the tin (if I remember correctly) Lori said she glued the stitching to a carefully cut piece of foam core and it fit snuggly into the tin. I love this idea! Thanks for reminding me Missy - I had Mom & Me order both types of tin pin for me. I hope they will be in soon! I need to get busy stitching Miss Mary.
Now, on to other things.
I would swear that last week I read VeroM's blog and she tagged me! I've gone back to her blog and can't find the tag. I just checked Lelia's blog and she extended the tag to her readers as well. Since I've been tagged at least once and maybe twice, here goes! Vero asked for stitchers to "show us your stitching room". The very week that she suggested this fun exercise I was rearranging furniture and radically changing my stitching nest. For two years we have used a second bedroom as our TV room and kept our living room as a more "formal" space. This was just plain silly, because we never entertain. (No, I mean we NEVER entertain!) What a waste of space! Last week while my Mom was visiting she helped me move a few key pieces of furniture and we completely changed the way Mark and I live in this house. Change is good!
My stitching nest moved from the old TV room to the living room. I moved my light/magnifier and a few other necessary items, but my stash will remain in the the old TV room. Here is a picture of my new stitching nest in the living room.

The area still looks "neat" because I've only stitched there a few times! Give me a week or two and it will look very lived-in. Don't you just love the tacky cinder block anchor for my stitching light? For years I have planned to stitch or sew a cover for it, but alas it remains uncovered and ugly. (Here is one for Jeff Foxworthy...you might be a redneck if cinder blocks are an essential part of your home decor...) Mark's camel from the Holy Land might get replaced with my stitching basket. Not sure about that, because I really like the camel - he has a lot of character.
What I haven't photographed (yet) is what remains of the old TV room. My stash is still in there, but it is buried behind furniture and what-not that needs to find a home. When I get to that side of the room I promise I will open drawers and take lots of photos. I will even take a picture or two of the contents of the cedar chest. GASP! Honestly, only my family and one friend have ever seen the inside of that cedar chest. Revealing it here will be a historic occasion. Stay tuned!
Exchange News: The exchanges continue on the SBE BB. What a great community BeckySC has created for us! Thanks Becky! I am still waiting to hear if Julie received the autumn exchange piece I mailed to her on the 14th. As you might imagine, I'm a wee bit worried about it. I hope to hear something soon. The stitching for my redwork exchange is finished and it is time to wrap up the finishing. That is on my agenda for today. On Monday Nicki drew names for the upcoming garden theme exchange. I'm excited to be stitching for...oops, I can't tell you! It would be terrible to ruin the surprise, wouldn't it? I have a design picked out and an ambitious (for me) finishing idea. I love how these exchanges are stretching my finishing abilities. Yippie zippie!
That is all for now. I want to post more pictures from the Lebanon Cross Stitch Show (there are lots more categories to cover!) and news from Violet Threads (my local embroidery group) but alas it will have to wait for another day. Thanks for reading all of this - sometimes I don't know when to shut up!
1 comment:
Don't shut up! We love your rambling. :) Thanks for showing your stitching nest. If you're like me, you'll take over that end table and even the little bookcase in no time!
Sounds like you've made your house even more cozy now, with your mom's help. Isn't it funny how we keep up with formalities for no reason?
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