Friday, August 19, 2005

A Start and More Planning

I've been saying for days that I need to get started on Terre de France. Finally I have a few stitches into Part 12! I put those stitches in this morning, in the very wee hours. I'm within a few stitches of finishing the clock motif in the upper left corner. A nice start and LOTS to go!

I did a little shopping this afternoon and picked up supplies for finishing my Redwork Exchange project. I need to pull linen for it and get started. I am SO excited! I also need to do a little fiber research for my Autumn Exchange project and then I can get started on that one too. Did I mention I'm excited? I don't have carved-in-stone finishing plans for either project, but I'm making notes in a Word document every time I have a thought or idea. At this point I have so many notes that I'm using the highlight feature to keep track of the ideas I like the most. Lots of brainstorming going on here!

1 comment:

Lelia said...

Sounds like you are on a creative roll .... enjoy brainstorming and tracking all those smashing ideas!