Thursday, January 20, 2011

So It's Thursday

TNT was Tuesday night.  The members of the guild inspire me every time I attend.  So many talented ladies!  We have a "free table" where you can leave things you don't want and take things you do want.  I rearranged part of my stash closet a few days ago and took a large bag of junk (goodies?) for the table.  Only one tiny item didn't find a home, and I dropped it in the trash on my way out the door.  I did find three cross stitch items that came home with me.  Oldies but goodies. 
I also found a Crossed Wing Collection chart at one of the local antique malls.  It had been marked down to $1 and everything in the booth was half price.  Ka-ching!  My Piecework magazine came in the mail a week or two ago.  I've been slowly reading the articles.  I like to savor it, because before you know it you are at the last article and tempted to wait by the mailbox for the next issue.  I mentioned last time that I am organizing an ornament kit exchange for Violet Threads.  We have 8 members participating so we are dividing into two exchange groups.  I have my issue of the magazine covered up with post-it notes!
I recently won a few auctions at Quin's.  I've never bid there before and it went very well.  These were purchased for collection purposes, not with anything in particular in mind to stitch. 
Carol and Katrina have mentioned that they are trying to stitch (at least a little bit) every day.  I know I've seen it discussed on several other blogs as well.  I am trying to do the same.  Even a stitch or two is progress.  Still, some days it is a real challenge.  Here is an update on "Sugarplums."  I am trying to get the blocks of color outlined to make it easier to stitch while I work.
My picture quality is not improving as much as I would like.  It would help if I took a few minutes and read the manual. This time for a backdrop I tried my ottoman and the back porch.  The results are mixed.  It is very, very bright today due to the snow.  Better luck next time!


KarenV said...

I love your WIP, great thread and fabric colours! Congratulations on the new stash and the de-stashing ;) I like the idea of the free table, it's a really good way of getting rid of unwanted stash to a good home.

Linen Stitcher said...

I think I had visited Quin's once before, but I hadn't remembered that site, so thanks for reminding me. I've managed to stitch every day since Saturday, which is pretty good for me. It's so great to see progress again!! Makes me want to stitch even more, but for now, I'll settle for at least stitching a few minutes.

Katrina said...

I am doing good so far, there's been days where it was just a few stitches but something every day. I've finished 4 stockings, a scissor fob and pin cushion and made progress on Ann Pennsylvania Peacock :-).

Great stash additions!

Katrina said...

I am doing good so far, there's been days where it was just a few stitches but something every day. I've finished 4 stockings, a scissor fob and pin cushion and made progress on Ann Pennsylvania Peacock :-).

Great stash additions!

barbara said...

Must be great to have a swap location like that! :D

Wonderful new start!!

Cindy said...

I didn't know that auction site was still used to be called something else, I think. I had forgotten all about it!

Cathy B said...

You have had a really productive month! Great job!

Next time you post, can you tell a little bit more about how that ornament kit exchange is going to work? Just curious, that's all. Sounds like a cool idea!

Have a great weekend!