In stitching news, I've been working on My Home Town (MHT) by Carriage House Samplings. I started this project 2 years ago but got bogged down in trying to change the greens. The SAL for this project has restarted on the Legacy BB, so I've joined (again!) and have been stitching like a maniac.
I'm stitching over 2 on 40 ct lambswool, and it sure is slow going. I'm using the DMC conversion, not the silks. Hence the original issues with the colors. Somehow in 2 years time my color taste has changed and now I think these colors look good. Who am I and where did 'Chelle go? Or maybe I should be asking, who was that chick 2 years ago with questionable taste?
In my zeal to get something accomplished on MHT, I completely forgot to start my ornament for the Christmas Ornament SAL. It doesn't help that the two SALs overlap, a fact that I completely overlooked until it was too late to remedy. Ah well, I'll rearrange things in February and all will be well. I finally started my ornament on Monday. I'm stitching the Prairie Moon design from the 2006 JCS Ornament issue. I went to Mom & Me to pick out fabric. Guess what, Michele? I ended up buying Fitzgerald Red! I thought I wanted to completely change the colors, but the 30 ct Fitzgerald is really pretty and I decided to go with it. They had 28 ct but it was a bit too pink for a Christmas ornament. The 30 ct is perfect. Once that was settled I decided to switch the DMC. The red on red was too blendy so I changed the red to 815 and the green to 890. I'm happy with it now. This ornament is serving double-duty for me. In addition to making it my January SAL design, it is also my choice for a kit exchange that takes place in early March.
I enjoyed reading all of your comments regarding my "Setting Goals, Making Lists" post. Annemarie your comments always make me smile. Post-it notes indeed! KarenV I'm intrigued by your Excel spreadsheet, mainly because I'm Excel challenged and I'm convinced that there has to be a better way than using Word. Not that I am really unhappy with Word. I just wish I could wrap my brain around Excel! Monique your suggestion for a "hang it on the wall" list should have come with a spew warning. And a rag to mop up afterwards. Lelia asked it I had considered sending this in as a SBQ...and the answer to that is no. I'm ashamed to say I haven't answered a SBQ for ages, and it just seems wrong to submit questions when I'm not taking the time to answer the questions already out there. Bad, bad me! I'll email you about kitting stuff up...I've already confessed too much stuff here! wink*wink Katrina I'll be happy to trade a copy of my Word list for a copy of your Excel spreadsheet! I'd love to see how it works.
Susie, you mentioned that if you decide not to finish a project, you might not keep it. Do you toss them in the trash like Monique does or find a home for them? Perhaps there is a need for a UFO clearinghouse. Spooky thought, isn't it?
In shopping news, Linda B went with me on January 25th to Mom & Me. We had a great time, as usual. I love to have Linda help me choose fabric. She has a great eye! From there we went down the block to an antique store that is going out of business. Linda found a few treasures and I found this yummy tablecloth for just $10. The green is perle cotton and the black is 2 or 3 strands of floss. It is going to go perfectly with my Warren Kimble dishes.
After grabbing a bite to eat we left Lebanon and went to Rosemary's, a quilt shop in Highland. It was my first time there, and oh my goodness what a dangerous place it is! I have a weakness for fabric, and there were temptations at every turn. And let's not talk about the little antique shop that is over the quilt shop. I went a tiny bit crazy, but it was fun and I'm sure I'll put every piece of fabric to good use. Someday.
In non-stitching news, last weekend we helped a friend clear a fallen tree from her back yard. It fell during the last ice storm. She had most of it cut up so I brought a car full of wood home on the 26th, then went back with Mark on the 27th and we did some cutting. More correctly, Mark and Janet did the cutting. I was content to toss the cut branches into the woods behind the yard. Twice my car was filled with fresh cut pine and looked like this:
Yes, we put these HUGE pieces of wood in the back of my hatchback. If you take a pine air freshener, smash it to your face and take several deep breathes, you'll get the smell-a-vision that goes with this photo. I think my car will have a clean, fresh pine scent for months to come. That's not a bad thing! There is a bit more tree to cut, so we'll go back another day with a bigger saw.
Michele tagged me so I guess I'll be making further confessions and admitting to 6 weird things about myself. I'm narrowing down the list (weirdness abounds) and seeking family input (I don't want to embarrass them *too* much) so please give me a day or two to respond.
Chelle - I was wondering what happened to you...I love that CHS design your stitching...I want it! LOL!
Also not that I'm being nosy..but are you and I perhaps "state mates"?
I love reading your updates and this one was one that made me laugh!
Oh I love the tablecloth. What a deal.
Always miss you when you go MIA! LOL Glad to hear from you. Love the stitching it is coming along wonderfuly.
What a great post! I loved hearing how everything was going. :) That's a pretty serious way to give your car a fresh smell, though! LOL. Your new tablecloth is beautiful - what a find!
That's a great tablecloth - lucky you!
Love your CHS start - I'm looking forward to seeing your progress on it :)
LOVE the tablecloth - what a find! I have found some of my best tablecloths in antique stores that were closing down. One had a cloth that I was lusting after, but I refused to pay $120 for it. When they were closing I asked how much they wanted for the cloth, and I was told $80. Still a lot of money, but a FABULOUS cloth, so I grabbed it.
Hi Chelle, thanks for dropping by to visit and your lovely comments on my RR square :) Your Carriage Samplings piece is coming along nicely and will be well worth the effort when it's complete.
eileen :)
Nice to see you blogging again! Hope you didn't mind me tagging you .. can't wait to see what you come up with! lol .. I'm sooo jealous you have an LNS to go to and found the fabric for Misletoe House! I'm hoping to have my fabric soon! When are you going to start it?
Love the car! gotta love that smell :)
Oooh what a beautiful tablecloth! And quite a deal, too.
Hi Chelle, I love the new start-very pretty. That tablecloth was a great find!
Good to hear from you; your posts always make me smile!
I totally grasp the wink-wink. As I saw my DH had a 'link' to my blog in his favourite list!!! EEK.
I am trying to streamline my 'stuff' so it is easier to just STITCH & not SEARCH for STUFF all the time. Ya know what I mean??
Now, I"m going to check out your ornament. I did the Pear Tree LHN for January & have TWO lined up for February. Depending on my mood!!!
I found your blog through a comment on someone else's blog.
That house is so pretty.
I have a fear of knives too. My mother used to flail them around when she was mad at us, and it scared me something silly.
I like the idea of having functional things - like your car - that you can use for its designated function - without having all these rules.
Oh wow, Chelle - you're stitching My Hometown! I am trying to get it for a good price on ebay since some time - it is a gorgeous piece so I'll be following your progress and one day I'll hopefully have that chart too :) Happy stitching!
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