Sometimes I am the worst photographer ever. Sorry about the big flash! I hope nobody goes blind due to my bad photography. Becky has a great picture of the scissor pocket on her blog. Go to the link above and scroll about half way down the page to her entry on September 6.
Thanks to everyone for their well-wishes last week. I had a great time visiting with my Mom. We even did a little shopping. I got a lot of stitching time in. As I mentioned last week, I started Lady Violet by Lilybet Designs. Leslie left a comment about Lady Violent - and made me look! I had to check and make sure I really didn't misspell it. Thanks for a great laugh, Leslie! Your comment should have come with a spew warning. Tina asked about the fabric I'm using for Lady Violet. I double checked, and it is the 30 ct. Natural Northern Cross linen called for on the chart. I love it, but I like my linen on the scratchy side. So far the color is just right. Speaking of colors, remember how I whined about Weeks and Gentle Arts both having a Blue Spruce? Well it seems they both also have a Mulberry and both colors are used in Lady Violet. Could be confusing! Red Alert!
I'd also like to thank everyone for your nice comments about my framing. It feels great to have so many projects ready to go on these bare walls. First they will go to the show, then I start putting nails in the walls. Yikes! Speaking of the show, I'm afraid I have a bit of sad news. The show committee has decided not to allow cameras in the show. I do not know what the reasoning is behind this decision. I am disappointed that I won't be able to share the show this year. So sad!
I hate to end this post with a downer paragraph, so how about a teaser for tomorrow? I have a load of finishes to show off! Four finishes in less than a week. My needle has officially melted down.
Looking forward to seeing your finishes Chelle and the scissor case is gorgeous
Sweet of Becky to send you the acorn pocket. She must know how you adore acorn motifs ...
Not sure why photographs would not be allowed in the show. Rules, rules, rules.
What a nice gift from Becky! I'm getting the picture now that you are an acorn nut!
Beautiful gift. Becky was so sweet!
What a wonderful gift from Becky - that's so sweet and typical of her! :D
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