This first picture is some of my sewing fabric. A yard of this, a fat quarter (or half) of that. I store it in a carry-on size suitcase. When it gets too full I sort out the fabrics that I don't think I'll use right away and move them to a box in the basement. Hmmmm, maybe I need to do a "Part 3" of the stash stored in the basement. Pretty spooky!

This is a box of stuff to give away, sell, or somehow find a new home for. The white bag to the side is full of crochet magazines and booklets. The rest is cross stitch. I'm hoping to sell some of it this weekend. (More on that in a bit!)

This is the new location for my sewing table. As you can see, nothing is organized and I really need to hang something on the wall.

If you turn 180 degrees from the sewing table, this is what you see - my former stitching nest. The recliner looks comfy but broke recently and is headed for Freecycle.

To the right of the recliner are 3 small cardboard chests of drawers. I pulled out the drawers so you could see. The chest on the left has some of the cotton overdyed floss (GAST and WDW), buttons, charms, odds/ends, and "extras" like extra needles, extra floss-away bags, etc. The middle chest has Anchor, DMC perles, floche, medici, etc., Needle Necessities and Caron threads. The chest on the right has DMC floss and all of the silks. I LOVE these cheap little chests. The drawers are small and light enough to pull out and set in your lap while you dig through them. Unfortunately I think they are ugly!

This is the corner with the recliner moved out of the way. The cedar chest is on the left, buried behind stuff and under stuff. Inbetween the chest and bookcase are bags with wool to be felted for pennyrug projects and a big bag of premade pillows. My leaflets and magazines are stored on the bookshelves in binders with sheet protectors. The plastic storage containers are full of kits and odds/ends.

I opened up all of the storage boxes. Be afraid! More stuff than I can probably stitch in what is left of my life, but I intend to try. One box has my portable Ott light, extra q-snaps and a clamp-on magnifier. Another box has items for finishing, like wooden boxes, baskets, etc.

One last picture, this is my stitching basket full of WIPs, magazines and catalogs. The bag contains all of the projects I have kitted up. It looks like an ad for Hefty, but I do love their 2.5 gallon bags with the slide zipper. They make excellent project bags for large projects.

Sorry these pictures are so dark. I turned on every light in the room but with dark furniture and a dark floor, the flash didn't help very much. That concludes Part 1!
I'm leaving in a few hours to attend the St. Louis Stitchers fall stitch-in. This is a big-girl slumber party that lasts from 1pm today until 4pm Sunday afternoon. I won't be spending the night this time, but I will stay late tonight then go back for a bit on Sunday afternoon. We stitch, eat, laugh, buy, sell, trade and give. Mostly we eat...and laugh. I'll take pictures so you can join us!
Okay I need to come shopping at your place!!!! Wow you have so much stash. But I;m sure it; snever enough!!!
I have ordered Miss Mary Mack and thanks to Tobie I ordered the Pin Tin!!!! I am expecting both to arrive sometime next week!!!
If you rstill wanting to do a SAL with MMM let me know!!! We can schedule it anytime now or after the Holidays!!! I can swing the time either way!!!
Hahahah! Another stashaholic unveiled. ;) Thanks for sharing the photos of your stitching areas with us and coming clean. LOL.
Love sharing your stitching space ... like Missy, I'm wondering if you've got a spare room for overseas visitors? I love how everything is so organised! Mine is halfway there ... Hope you have a great time at your retreat - look forward to seeing the piccies on your return :)
Wow! you are so organized! All your bagged things look like they are easy to use. Your room must be so much fun -- a private retreat. Looking forward to the 'part 2' of your pictures. AND-Enjoy your St.Louis stitcher outing!
My husband is beginning to realize how innocent I really am when it comes to stash accumulation, and you're helping me to ease my guilty conscience! :-)
Thanks for posting pics of your stitching room and stash. It's fascinating to take a peek into everyone's homes! :) Happy stitching!
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