Friday, August 05, 2005

SBQ - August 5, 2005

Here is the SBQ for the week:

Have you hand-dyed your own fabric? Why or why not? Would you like to try to do so?

Yes I have hand-dyed a piece of fabric - but I didn't plan to! Several years ago I tried Mountain Dew Code Red for the first time. Blech! I didn't like the taste. I was also really worried that I was going to spill some of it on my blouse. I was sure it would stain. STAIN? Now there is an idea. So I grabbed a small piece of white fabric and shoved it down into the glass. I let it slosh around in there with the ice cubes for quite a while, then I rinsed it out. Yippie zippie, a pretty pink piece of fabric!

I bought some Kool-aid for future dyeing projects but I haven't tried it yet. I'm more interested in coffee and tea dyeing.

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