The Monopoly board is from the early days. I believe it was a kit. It is stitched on aida and I did a rather poor job of centering it on the fabric - probably because I didn't start in the center. As I stitched the project I turned it and stitched one side at a time. Because of this my stitches don't all go in the same direction. At the time I didn't "know better" and now I say BAH! Only a stitcher with a magnifying glass would notice or care. At one time I planned to have my brother (a cabinetmaker) design a game table for this project. Over time I lost interest and now the project resides in the cedar chest.
Joanie I thought Ann Grimshaw sounded familiar so I looked it up - I've been drooling over this one! I love Quakers. What count fabric did you use?
Carol I never did get the itty bitty project into the frame. Maybe I should put that on my things-to-do list for this week... It shouldn't take long to do!
the Monopoly board is great. You should finish it and have it set on the table.
I think that's cool!
Chelle, I really envy you! Firstly for having stitched this to completion, and secondly for having it at all! I have been after the kit for years - whenever it pops up on eBay, it attracts heaps of bids and sells for heaps of dollars...much more than I can afford! If I ever get it and stitch it, I would have it framed under glass as part of a small table. Wow....
That is soo beautiful!!
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