As usual, it was a fantastic weekend. Mark spoiled me rotten with a hotel room near the show so I wouldn't have an hour drive (each direction!) every day. It was nice to be able to stay out late without worrying about a long drive home, not to mention that extra hour of sleep in the morning. Thanks, honey!
I decided not to go to the Friday evening Meet and Greet this year. I ended up with family obligations that evening anyway, so it was for the best. Saturday started with meeting Pam (of the imaginary blog) and Leslie for breakfast. You two are 1) the best and 2) a hoot! From there we headed to the show. I entered 11 pieces this year, thanks entirely to the fact that Jeanne framed stacks and stacks of finishes for me. God bless Jeanne! This year the show committee had a "no pictures" rule, so I can't share like I did last year. I'm still bummed about that, but...whatever. Not much I could do about it then or now.
I spent all of Saturday morning at the show. I tried to see all of the entries and make notes but there were so many stitchers there and I *needed* to talk to most of them. I had a fantastic time chatting with the friends I don't get to see on a regular basis. It was great! Lunch was a quick run to McDonald's with Linda P. and Linda B. We stopped at Mom & Me after lunch but it was a mob scene so we headed to class.
Saturday afternoon was the long awaited La-D-Da class. *insert a big sigh of contentment here* I am a huge La-D-Da fan, so a class with Lori is an EVENT. Lori designed a great project for the class. Here are a few pictures from the class. Apparently it was the day to wear white, but Pam and the Lindas didn't share that with the rest of us. *wink*wink*
Here are Harriet and Carol, studiously NOT looking at the camera!
Lori sat down to chat with us after class.
This is the class project, a neat box with a beautiful rose design for the lid. Ooh la La-D-Da! Please pardon the stray bit of fluff above the middle rose. It looks like a line from an ink pen but it was just something on my camera lens. Ack!
Here is the inside of the box. During class we glued the velvet lining into the box and attached the pretty antique lace trim with brass brads. The class kit included the needlebook and a beaded scissor fob.
Lori also shared her latest designs with us.
Do I look happy, or what? As you can see, Miss Mary Mack spent the day with us.
Obviously it was a neat afternoon. One of the highlights was meeting Carol. Carol emailed me after reading about last years show and decided to attend this year. She has been working on a Brightneedle project called "Lo, How a Rose" and I got to see it in person.
Isn't it gorgeous? Carol changed quite a few colors and had a 3x5 card for me with the symbols and colors she used. Talk about organized! Carol I'm so glad you were able to attend the show and class. It was great to meet you in person, I just regret that we didn't have more time to chat. I owe you an email!
After class I went to dinner with Pam and Leslie, then we had a fun evening of stitching and chatting. When I got back to my hotel room I called Mark and he asked if I won any ribbons at the show. I started to laugh, because I remembered seeing ribbons next to a few of my entries, but for the life of me I could not remember which entries or how they placed! How goofy is that? Actually it is proof of two things - first, I really did spend most of the morning chatting with friends, and second, ribbons are fun but not why I stitch. Otherwise I'm sure I would have paid more attention! I spent Sunday afternoon at the show and took LOTS of notes.
Here is a list of what I entered and the ribbon results (only because someone is sure to ask!):
Miniatures - Little House Needleworks "Early America" - Honorable Mention
Samplers - Annick Abrial "Terre de France" - no ribbon
Other Holidays - Abbey Lane Designs "Be Ever Thankful" - no ribbon
Verses & Sayings - Bent Creek "Snapperville" - no ribbon
Home & Fashion Accessories - Periwinkle Promises "Antique Sampler Accent" - Second Place
Pets & Wildlife - Homespun Elegance "Sheep Button Sampler" - no ribbon
Buildings & Scenery - La-D-Da "Hog Wild Windmill" - no ribbon
Whimsical/Humorous - La-D-Da "Swing Bunny" - Second Place
Florals - Cross Eyed Cricket "Garden Initials" - no ribbon
Still Life and Portraits - La-D-Da "Marion the Librarian" - Second Place
One-Over-One - Brightneedle "Key West Sampler" - Third Place
After the show a large group of us went to dinner, then I went to see Pam for another evening of stitching and chatting. It was a very, very full weekend! I tried to enjoy every single moment, as this will be the last show. Mom & Me is for sale and from what I understand will be closing in 2007. I certainly will miss this show! Hopefully the shop will find a new owner and maybe just maybe there will be a show again. The only real bright spot (as far as shows go) is that Rockome is BACK and will host a show in June. Let's all say WAHOO!
That concludes my show report. Thanks to everyone for your comments and emails. I always love to hear from you! My blogging goal for 2007 is to be more consistent and not disappear for months on end. I'm sure I won't publish something every single day, but several times per week would be nice. Don't you think?
YES. I enjoy your postings, and would love to be able to enjoy them more frequently :) I still can't believe your Terre De France didn't win.
Ooooh a class with Lori from La de da!! I'm so jealous! I can't wait to see how the mocking bird looks when it is released. I love the "nursery" songs she has charted, most of them my mum sang at one time or another as we were growing up. They make me feel nostalgic for those happy days.
Congratulations on your ribbons too!
Several times a week would be wonderful! That's one of my many New Year's resolutions as well. Thanks for the report and the marvellous pics. That La-D-Da box is to die for!
Sounds like you had a great time at that show. What show was it that you went to? I don't know where you live to it's hard to figure out. Your pieces are stunning.
All of the stitching and work is just awesome!!! It sounds like you had a fantastic time!!!!
Thank you Chelle for posting information about this show. I enjoyed hearing about it. What a great class with Lori from La D Da! Glad you had so much fun!
I love your posts & pics. This looks like such a fun class -- and the project is out of this world!!!
La D Da charts are totally cute/charming ... fun.
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