Pretty kewl, huh? I stitched with the stand during the stitch in and only found one difficulty with it. Once your project is clamped into it, there is no way to flip your project over (to start a thread or tie off) without unclamping it. I think I'll have my brothers (both cabinetmakers) take a look and see if they can add that feature. Either way, still a bargain for $5! Thanks Cheryl!
I also bought a small stack of stash. Thankfully I also sold a pile of stash, so I think I broke even! I didn't photograph the stash, I thought I would just list a few of my favorite finds.
- 9x12 piece of olive green Cashel and 9x12 piece of willow green Belfast. These are exactly the colors I need for my garden exchange project, if it comes off as planned. Yeah!
- Ewe & Eye & Friends Christmas Sampler chart with fabric, 3 GAST, 1 WDW and 4 Anchor for $4. Wowzie!
- Welcome Samplar from The Mad Samplar Design Company. I've wanted this design since it was released.
- The Sampler Life from My Mark Designs. Monique is a member of SLS. Her designs are so neat!
- Victorian Elegance by Linda Driskell. Very pretty pulled thread sewing accessories to stitch, purchased on the assumption that you can never have too many charts for smalls. And it was $1. And I love it!
One of the contests Friday night was for the most "popular" project. Everyone chose one project they had with them (either for show and tell or a WIP) and everyone voted for their favorite. My Terre de France project won! Judy made and donated the prize, a tin that she decorated and filled with file tabs and a notebook. Check it out! This is the front, then the back with "St. Louis Stitchers" spelled out. Don't you love how she decorated the handle?
There are tab cards on the inside of the tin. Aren't they neat? Each one is different and beautifully decorated. Judy also decorated a little notebook that was inside the tin. So creative! Thanks a bunch Judy!
It was a great stitch in! Thanks to Jeanne for opening her home to us and being the perfect hostess, in spite of being sick! Thanks also to everyone for bringing great food, great grab bags, great stash for sale and great projects for show and tell. Obviously it was a great time. I think that concludes my report from the stitch in!
As usual, I thank you all for your comments on my blog! I appreciate all of the compliments on my autumn exchange project. I hope the pictures are helpful! I found the finishing technique to be surprisingly easy and I can't wait to try it again with beads. I'm still cording-challenged. I think it will take a lot more practice before I feel comfortable with it.
After reading all of the comments about my stash, I must admit I'm embarrassed! There is no avoiding the fact that I have way more than I can stitch. I collected piles of stash in the 90's when I was working and had no time to stitch. Now I'm not working, I have time to stitch and I sort of have my very own "shop"! Oh well, don't forget that someday it will all be up for grabs - you just have to show up!
Missy I'm glad you're comfortable with stitching Miss Mary over one! I'm a bit of an over one freak myself. I really enjoy it! I had to chuckle at your husband's comment!
That is all for now. I need to dig in the cedar chest and pull fabric for Deftly Wrought and Miss Mary Mack. Maybe while I have the cedar chest torn apart I'll take pictures. Then I can post Part 2 for Vero!
What a unique & creative prize! U R the lucky one. Yes, take snaps while you are going thru your stash (cedar chest).
Yesterday, I cleaned & managed to tidy my creative corner. Looks great with everything put away ; ) Today, I'm reading.
I'm such a brat hogging up your comment column -- I forgot to add one thing.
Just an idea ... For frames on stands, you can just leave your tails on the top of your fabric & end them all when you finish your stitching session. My stand allows the thing to flip -- but I just flip it over when I'm about done.
What fun pictures, and what wonderful new acquisitions! Have fun, and do post those cedar chest pics!
That's a really great prize! She is so creative and thoughtful!! I can't believe you bought that stand for just $5, what a steal. And your stash, too! Overall, it sounds like you had a really wonderful time. :)
I should have the Miss Mary Mack chart anyday. I finally received a "shipped" comfimation from Stitching bIts and Bobs!!!
Okay I have to ask what count should I be doing this on? And what color are you going to use?
Congrat on the great Floor satnd and the great prize!!! How very creative and fantastic is that tin!!!
Great haul, Chelle! I love your bargain floor stand and your stash haul. TOO Kewl!
I too have more stash that I could stitch in 5 lifetimes, but it's not going to stop me from buying more. Gotta support my habit!
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