I will spend the next 6 months drooling on it, reading every word, considering every recipe, contemplating every fabric and fiber and embellishment and finishing technique for every project in the entire magazine. It will be dog-earred and well-thumbed, with a few cookie crumbs scattered between the pages and an occasional ring from my coffee cup.
Then I'll pine away until next September when the new edition is released and the drooling will begin again.
I have mine. Do you have yours?

Ok, so the coffee ring stuff is an exaggeration. If I messed it up THAT badly I'd have to buy a new one. But the rest is true. I swear.
I love to re-read them too. The little snippets the designers do are very interesting (a small glance into their lives). I'm still waiting for mine, living in Australia means it'll turn up eventually, usually with a little time to spare.
You're not alone! I will get mine later this week but I'm so looking forward to it. Today I will be paging through the past 4 years I have and deciding on an ornament for the SBEBB exchange. Minus the cookie though!
I love to read and read and read them over and over again too! In fact, I pulled out all the issues I own (1998-2005) and got a lovely cup of tea and went through all of them AGAIN! It's a ritual of Fall for me.
Like everyone else, I read mine over and over again. I think my copies date back to the 1999 issue.
I've already looked through this years magazine at least five or six times!
Did you find a favorite yet? I like a lot of them in 2005's issue.
I admit not stitching any from the 2004 issue - but I liked the Running Stag, CHSampling.
You all speak like we are not supposed to re-read these mags over and over. It seems everytime I go through mine something catches my eye that I didn't notice before. I already have a few picked out from 2005 that I'm going to begin work on soon.
I don't have mine. I hate Just Cross Stitch. Maybe it will come today. I love Just Cross Stitch. But what if it doesn't come today? I hate Just Cross Stitch. Maybe it will come today. That's enough of Gwynneth Paltrow as Emma for one post.
I forgot to order the new ornament issue. I guess I better go do that. I usually sit for hours debating which one I want to do first. I still havent' done one out of last years issue. I am way behind on the years before LOL.
Like Lelia, I am curious if you have a favorite ornie from the new issue? Mine is the Brittercup kitty-so cute!
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